Solana Burning Liquidity Pool Tutorial
Quickly burn liquidity on Raydium, simplify the operation process, and instantly adjust your liquidity strategy. GTokenTool improves the efficiency of your asset liquidity management.
Quickly burn liquidity on Raydium, simplify the operation process, and instantly adjust your liquidity strategy. GTokenTool improves the efficiency of your asset liquidity management.
Solana Wallet
The wallet must have at least 0.1 SOL (Raydium will charge 0.4 SOL)
Link your wallet
Enter the GTokenTool liquidity pool burning page. The upper right corner supports language switching and connect the wallet.
Burning liquidity pool address:
Switch to Burn Liquidity and enter the token address
Check the current pool share of the linked wallet
Select or fill in the liquidity ratio to be removed
Click "Burn Liquidity" to complete burning liquidity
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