Solana Gives Up Token Rights
Abandon the right to issue, freeze, and change Solana tokens
Last updated
Abandon the right to issue, freeze, and change Solana tokens
Last updated
After Solana's token is created, there will be 3 permissions: issuance permission, freezing permission, and update permission
l Additional issuance rights: You can issue and mint additional tokens to increase the supply of tokens
l Freeze permission: You can freeze any address, making it impossible to transfer or sell
l Update permission: can modify token name, logo, etc.
If the token is issued on G Token and the logo has been uploaded, it will have these three permissions. If the token is issued on other platforms, it may have 2 permissions or 1 permission. Of course, no matter where you create and issue the token, you can give up the permissions through G Token's tools.
Same operation steps for fee tokens and NFT permission waiver
Go to the token list page (, connect your wallet, select the token you want to update, and click "Permission Control" to enter the change page
Page Information
Token model: standard token, fee token or NFT
Token full name: GTokenTool
Total Supply: 1000
Minting tokens: You can mint when you have the right to issue additional tokens. Fill in the minting quantity, click the "Mint" button on the right, and the wallet will pop up and click Confirm. If the total supply does not change in time, please refresh the page
Blacklist: You can freeze any address so that it cannot be transferred or sold. Enter the wallet address and only one address can be entered at a time. Click "Add" on the right to add the wallet address to the blacklist.
Remove blacklist: Enter the previously blacklisted wallet address and only enter one address at a time. Click "Remove" on the right to remove the previously blacklisted wallet.
Determine whether the token has the corresponding authority
If the permission of the token is a button, it means that you have the permission corresponding to the token and you can give up the permission normally.
If the token permissions show that there is no permission to freeze/increase/modify this token, it means that your current wallet address does not have the corresponding permission for this token. Then you cannot give up this permission and can only operate on the permissions you have.
If the three permissions of the token are all displayed as "No Permission for This Token", it means that you do not have any permission for this token and you cannot give up any permission for this token.
Select the permission you want to give up, click the corresponding button, and then click "OK". The wallet page will pop up and you can complete the permission giving up after clicking
Tip: You need to operate the permission button before clicking the "OK" button, otherwise you cannot click the "OK" button
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